Lamb feeding at the farm - That’s a wrap

Lambing time 2023 is officially over here at the farm. No longer are there bleeting lambs waiting for milk at the back door when I come down of a morning and there are no more empty feeding bottles sitting, abandoned by the children, on the farmhouse windowsill.

As farmers, lambing time is one of the most utterly exhausting AND magical times of the year. We’re slowly regaining our energy and the farm is already moving at pace straight into the next season. Bringing with it a new set of stresses, struggles and wonder.

In many ways it’s been a tough spring. We’re still growing and changing as a family as well as new business owners and this can come with turbulence of many kinds.

Having visitors feeding lambs at the farm continues to remind us of how spectacular the things we see each day really are. If we ever catch ourselves flailing, tired or despondant at lambing time all we need to do is take a moment to watch faces light up at a bottle feeding session and the passion for what we do is instentaneously reignigted.

Moving ahead to the rest of the 2023 season we are looking forward to hosting our series of summer holiday events, our first summer of birthday parties at the farm and enjoying some long, sun kissed, afternoons down at the river with the kids where we’ll swim, cook tea over a campfire and break up various sibling arguments - this is real life after all.

2024 EARLYBIRD: Did you know that if you book your 2024 lambing time visit in 2023 you’ll receive a 10% discount when using the code ‘EARLY24’ ?

Jacksons at Jedburgh - a family run farm and Farm Experience Attraction. Come and be part of our farming life. Picnic, play and meet the animals.


A family day out in the scottish borders


Things to do with the kids this summer: activities at the farm with jacksons at jedburgh